It was a good game but
it was waaaay too easy and short. No flash game should take 10 minutes without a single death to complete. I liked the game though, so perhaps a Orbital 2 that takes a bit longer would be something to work on.
It was a good game but
it was waaaay too easy and short. No flash game should take 10 minutes without a single death to complete. I liked the game though, so perhaps a Orbital 2 that takes a bit longer would be something to work on.
Yep, Orbital 2 is in the works!
Great game.
This game was awesome, but I just couldn't figure out how to beat that first boss guy :(
You just need to tire him out and attack when he's dazed.
Ive seen a lot of tutorials
and that sucked. I mean, it had some actionscripting in there, but have you ever heard of a motion tween? And not only that, looking at the tings there, you figured out how to do some stuff, then kept doing tat, you have no animation skill what so ever, at least, none that can be seen
This game is awesome
What an awesome game! This is the best reaction type game I have ever seen, and it rocks! I managed to get down to the one below .208, I think it was .188, im not sure. The embarrassing thing is that I got .176 on an earlier one, followed by .178, then, at 'need .188' I got a hopeless score of .207
Great engine...
...but you know the first guy? The one who you're supposed to beat easily, then beat even more easily, then move onto to stronger guys, and so on and so on? You made it stupidly hard to beat the very fist time, then he became even more strong? If you had both leveled up, it would be slightly flawed, but only him levelling on the first battle is just plain stupid. Next time either play through yourself, or just use some common sense.
But most of those are in joke books, and I had already heard them. The other one were good though.
Bit I found a bug, and a serious one, when you start (the first level) it sometimes and soon as shes finished talking says the teacher got you
This game is original, addictive, and challenging, but Jebus Christ! The hit area on your buttons is not very exact like . <-ball | <- wall
. | . | . | You Lose it should be .| = lose, not . | = Lose
but too short. The keypad thing was really confusing but eventually I got it. For you others, the two shapes with green around them are important. You blend their shape and their colors together to get the shape you need.
This game is mad! I understand you couldn't make it longer, and its length was its only flaw, so otherwise, perfect! Some people complained it was too hard, but i beat it on my second shot, so I don't know what they're talking about.
I am cooler than your father's cooking.
Age 31, Male
Swinburne University
Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Joined on 12/13/03